Roberto Battino


Roberto Battino

from $30.00

Instruments: Guitar (solo and chamber music), Piano

Genres: Classical

Language: Italian, English, German

Education: Diploma from Conservatory Luigi Canepa of Sassari, Masters of Arts in Performance from Mozarteum Universität of Salzburg, and Masters of Arts in Pedagogy

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Born in Sassari in 1991, he undertook the study of classical guitar since he was very young, first under the guidance of M° Danilo Leggieri at the “secondary school of music”, then at the Conservatory "Luigi Canepa" of Sassari in the class of M ° Roberto Masala where he graduated brilliantly with honors.

He took part in over thirty advanced courses, also specializing with the following masters: Giampaolo Bandini, Carlo Marchione, Frédéric Zigante, Carles Trepat, Oscar Ghiglia, Alvaro Pierri and Pablo Marquez.

He performed in few important concert halls including: Teatro Verdi (Sassari), Auditorium of the Conservatory in Cagliari (premiere, Praxodia - Franco Oppo), Villa Gioiosa (Alghero), Palazzo di Città (Sassari), Palazzo della Provincia (Sassari), Auditorium Corelli (Fusignano), Frohnburg (Salzburg), RSI (Lugano), Sala Vanni (Florence).

He distinguished himself in several national competitions of musical interpretation winning the 1st prize at the Competition "Enrico Zangarelli" (2005), the 2nd prize at the 13th "Riviera Etrusca" Competition (2012), the 1st absolute prize at the "Giulio Rospigliosi" competition (2012), the 1st prize at the 37th "Ansaldo Servetti" competition in the category "Young Concertists" (2013).

He also won the 2nd prize at the "Giulio Rospigliosi" competition, "Guitar ensembles" category with the “Trio Nemesis”.

In 2016 he obtained the title of "Master of Arts" at the prestigious "Mozarteum Universität” of Salzburg, under the guidance of the M° Eliot Fisk and then he completed his studies in Lugano under the guidance of Lorenzo Micheli (Master of arts in music pedagogy).

For about eight years he has been working as a teacher and he currently splits his teaching career between Italy and Switzerland.

He plays chamber music with the ZeroDuo, a visual and musical project about original music written for two guitars.