The Radda Rise Achievement Festival is a unique opportunity for pianists of all ages and skill levels to learn and challenge themselves to improve their performances. Rather than competing against other musicians, Achievement Festival participants will submit their initial recording(s) for feedback from a Radda Reviewer. After receiving this feedback, participants will “compete” against their initial performances and strive to improve over the course of 6 weeks. At the end of the 6 weeks, participants will submit their second round of recordings to receive additional comments and an official evaluation on their overall performance and improvement between rounds from their Reviewer.


Eligibility, Repertoire, and Deadline

  • The Achievement Festival is open to pianists of all ages and nationalities.

  • Because applicants are not competing against others, there are no age categories or restrictions.

  • Applicants will submit performances of solo repertoire for piano. Personal compositions and improvisations are not permitted.

  • Applicants may submit whatever they’d like that falls under a collective time limit of 10 minutes. This means they can submit just one piece or multiple pieces that add up to this timeframe.

  • Memorized not required.

  • The final deadline is May 3rd, 2025 at 11:59pm US Central Time. If you submit an application on the deadline, you will have 6 weeks from the time you receive your first comments to complete your second round of recordings.

The Process

  1. Applicants submit a written application and $60 application fee through our website.

  2. Applicants may upload their first round of recordings during the written application or choose to upload them after submitting the written application. They can submit however many pieces they like as long as it falls under the collective time limit of 10 minutes.

  3. Once the recording(s) has been uploaded, it'll be sent to a Reviewer for video comments.

  4. Applicants will receive video comments and have a designated 6 weeks from the time of receiving their feedback to make improvements and re-record. 

  5. New recordings are sent back to their original Reviewer for final comments and an evaluation on a scale of Good to Superior+

  6. All applicants that receive a Superior or Superior+ ranking will receive a custom Radda award, certificate, and recognition on our website. All other applicants will receive certificates of participation. After the conclusion of the festival, awards and certificates will be sent out, and recipients of Superior or Superior+ rankings will be published on our website. Participants outside the United States will be subject to an additional shipping fee for the award.